Friday, October 4, 2013

Extra Bonus Update -

As if I did not have enough on my plate with my spine.  I am adding this becasue I may be out of touch for a bit.  I have tons of new helpful info for those with (or caring for) someone like me Spineless!  hehehe  It is 5:53 am and I can't sleep (as usual - only this time it is nerves not just a mean and nasty spine).  I swear God thinks my name is Jobe (sp) or I am the ultimate bad ass.  I can't decide which it is.

So, what is up with me NOW you have asked. Here is the low down. It is long but the short version is I NEED prayers, love, support, good vibes and super juju – my girls stuff is sick.

Some people may find this odd I am broadcasting like this but…since the day I was born I was a teaching prop for Doctors. Ask mama. I figure if I am going to go through this someone has to learn something from it. Your lesson today ladies GET CHECK EVERY YEAR FOR ALL YOUR GIRLIE ISSUES –PERIOD! DO THOSE SELF BREST EXAMS EVERY SINGLE MONTH – YOU KNOW THOSE PUPPIES BETTER THAN ANYONE AND YOU KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS NOT. NO EXCEPTIONS! (fyi so people don’t get their panties tied in knots there is no BOLD on FB so I have to CAP it – I am not yelling) I had to talk with family first and now that we have settled in with the possibilities of this journey I am filling you in. Please understand…I have been through the ringer with my back. Some days, I can’t stand or walk long at all much less sit. Laying on my side is about it. I do a little around the house and lay down in between tasks. You all know how hard this is for me though I try really hard not to let the pain bleed through. I mask my worry with horribly inappropriate jokes and laughter. That is how I roll.

Ok to the meat and taters of it. I went for my yearly oil change and check under the preverbal girlie hood. The doc is new to me I might add and I am well, tricky at best. So, she found a tumor on my uterus. A mass of some kind on my ovary. Then two lumps in my left breast. Yay the trifecta! I am scared to death mind you. I go home fearing the worst of course. I have to have a diagnostic mammogram (more in depth) if it is bad they will do a sonogram then go from there. I also had to have an internal sonogram of uterus and ovaries which they did that week as well. I swear all I do is see doctors damnit.

The internal was done and if all was well a nurse would call me –if bad the Dr calls. So, I wait. We all wait. It sucks. I had my support crew with me (sitting beside me not at the main stage) and we watched my innards on a big screen TV super cool! They did some blood work and more waiting. It stinks cause she was kinda a hard arse and would not let me take pics. I did get pics of other stuff. HA! See, all you guys who complain about my pics I take them of EVERYTHING!

My breast appointment was rushed in (which adds to the fear factor) and they proceed to smash and mash me. Fun stuff – a man totally invented this test. Then the nice lady came in and said “we need to do a sonogram honey” Grrrrrrrreat! I am already wondering how I would look with a Mohawk (I am totally doing that by the way if this goes south so get over it). They do a sono and the Doc comes in and re-does it….Grrrrreat. We sit down and he shows me the mamo. I have very little fatty tissue at the top and bottom, the rest is all thick breast tissue. I have dumb breasts (they need dunce hats – hey I can have Madonna cones) what that really means is I have dense (get it dumb breast dense get it – come on that is funny, only me) breast tissue. The main breast area is totally white. The Doc says “here is the problem”…and pointed to the thick white area, saying “guess what cancer looks like?” Me (with my under achieving breasts) “uh….I don’t know….black?” He laughs…”no hun white, so you see my problem is I can’t tell because I can’t see, you need a special test and genetic counseling to determine where we go from here.” I called Taylor in to see and hear the rest. She is going to be one hell of a nurse with all the info she gets off me for sure. She probably should get extra credit for having me as a mom! I am awaiting the appointment on that which was delayed due to the other issue.

I get a call….from the Dr. himself and he wants to see me. Grrrrrreat! We go in and he says I have a mass on my Ovary the size of a grapefruit/softball. No wonder my tummy sticks out and hurts. He wants to remove it and my right ovary and tube. Fun stuff. We plan the surgery for Oct 17th.

Back home we just are still reeling but feel ok about the mamo I mean I know my puppies and they feel like they always do. YES, I CHECK THE ALL THE TIME most of all after being beside my Smelly. The phone rings and it is guess who? THE DOCTOR! It seems my blood work is extremely elevated and he does not feel comfortable doing the surgery and he refers me to…wait for it….an Oncologist! Wooooo hoooooo! Crying, I go over everything with my family yet again. The hits keep on coming!

We go to the Oncologist (who looks like he should work at Home Depot) but is supposed to be the best in the south. Dr. Ivy. He explains they will go in Da Vinci style and remove the tube and ovary. While I am under they will biopsy it and other areas and if they find cancer they will remove everything. My surgery is sometime Monday the 7th. So, as stated in line one of my manifesto here…I need some help. A lot of help. I NEED prayers, love, support, good vibes and super juju – my girl stuff is sick. I will keep you posted but please bare with me. My head is not in the game. Heck, it is not even in the ballpark right now. If I have not called you back or I have not kept up with things it is because I just can’t right now. I am on overload. I am so thankful to my supporters. I have some amazing people in my life and family is about more than blood. I am blessed and thankful for everything. For the rain that came yesterday while the sun was out. To the smile on my daughters face. To the movie time with my sweetie and nighttime phone calls from my son. I am just thankful for everything and I know nothing is guaranteed and I try really hard daily to see the good in things. Thank you in advance. Light love healing and happiness. Love, Chel

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

YOU can DOOOOOOOOO it Waterboy!

THINGS YOU CAN DO AND HOW:  Today kiddies, we are going to show how you can do something and not nothing.  :-) I can't sit, not long anyway. Never have been able too. ADHD overload right here folks.  So, having this hella horrible spine thing makes life uh...challenging, yeah that's it challenging! That's a good word for it! The spine just adds to the mix.  Standing a lot becomes very difficult as well so, the lesser of two evils is sit a bit but get it done as efficiently as possible and on to a better place to be more comfy with a nice fat ice pack!

So, laundry.  Seems hard right?  I mean, how can a handicapped person do their own laundry, much less a family of four?  Well, depending on your set up it can be easy.  Keep in mind everything takes twice (if not more) as long.  Just accept it.  It is what it is. What you use to get done in a day is not happening.  So, suck it up and get busy.  Explain to your family that you want to help and not put everything back on them but you do need help.  Once they see that you are safe and able they will be so proud of you.  Even better....YOU will be proud of you!

So for me, I can't do many things but this girl can rock out some laundry.  Let's start with the basic tools you need aside from detergent and super smelly good fabric stuff.  As I have mentioned, a grabber is a must and I love me some grabber.  They come in MANY styles but mine is THE BEST!  I got mine after my first operation in 2000! The suction cup model I got after surgery number 2 did not even last 6 months.  I use the grabber all the time for so many things I would be lost without her.  Her name is Sadie.

My sweet Sadie is a featherlight and can be found online at Amazon (see below)

She has many features:

A little magnet (which I have used a lot).
A little peg (that is super fantastic to put on socks with)
A hand trigger that works the grabber end (do NOT attempt to pick up a soda can with this model - it punctures it and it sprays all over before you can drop it and knock it out of the way - HA) Or you can get the suction cup kind if you pick up a lot of soda cans!

Such a simple design but works better than any others out there but there are many so find one that fits you and your needs!

This is another option:

Amazon rules!

Now, a stool is buneo nacho.  You need to be able to sit to sort.  I have a small stool I stole from my daughters art table.  Shhhhhhh!  Don't tell.  Nothing crazy, just a stool but any place to sit will work.  Again, Amazon has tons and delivery is easy.  This beauty from Amazon listed below folds up for easy storage.  Mine sadly does not fold up.  I use my stool in the kitchen to cook as well.

This is just a simple one but you can go all out - even get wheels....wheels for me might be well, trouble....or a whole lot of fun! ;-)  My family tells me I need a suit made of bubble wrap and a helmet but whatever!  you think Amazon sells bubble wrap suits - let's check...nope :-( Sadness.  Oh well.

My DREAM stool....maybe Santa will see this.  Santa, you can get this on Amazon too and you won't have to cram it in your sleigh! 

Something like this gives plenty of much needed back support but for me it does not take too long so I am in and out.  If you have piles and piles this might be the better way to go.

Next, you need a pushable basket!  These are soooooo cool!  Right now, I have someone carry the standard laundry basket for me but would I like one?  Ooooooh yeah!  Uh....Santa?  They have other uses too groceries or just moving things you need moved.
Amazon (of course)  

But if you want to go all can get one with a hanger but, I have yet to find one with a big enough basket to eliminate muli-trips. 

Now that you know what you need....see how I do it.  Cause this my friends, is how I roll.  I have someone dump out the laundry on the floor.  I sort my little cripple heart out (yeah, I said it and I CAN because I AM so don't get your undies in a knot). You can make all kinds of games out of sorting.  Flinging things with the Grabber Ten Thousand (aka Sexy Sadie) is fun.

Then when you are done use a cart or child labor whichever you prefer and bring it to the "folding station" (aka laundry board set way low) as shown below! Notice the pillow for extra comfort. :-)

Viola! Super laundry challenge accepted and conquered!  Level up!  The key is modification.  You CAN do stuff as I have said, it just takes some creativity and the want to not sit on your butt and be useless.

Now get out there and get that laundry done!