Sunday, September 15, 2013


RANTS - Not for the faint of heart. Don't screw with the disabled.  We are not totally helpless and some of us can still kick your arse (we may meet you in the ER after but we still won't take your crap and you NEVER know which one of us you will get.  Maybe, someone with PTSD or a mental condition. So be very very careful!  Also, some of us have some mean back up.  ;-)

NOTE*** Now and then you just have to be more than honest.  Sometimes, it is not so bad other times BRUTAL.  People complain when I use caps, thinking I am yelling.  Well, note to those: when you do not have the ability to use Bold or Underline or Italics, you work with what you have.  Or maybe you are in a rush and just do it for emphasis.  Here in this lovely blog, I have the benefit of all those fancy items so I will use them.  If I use caps here - yes, I am yelling.  Thank you for your attention.  On with the show.

One thing I hate most, (well there are a few) but let's start with this.  People on disability who CAN work.  I hate that.  FYI, so does the rest of the working world of tax payers!  They sit and watch TV all day, get fat (because they don't have Zeal - and suck off the system because they are LAZY!  Here I am, wanting to go to work more than you know and I can't because I can't sit for more than 30 min at a time, forget about standing.  I have to adjust and lay on my side etc. There are so many people in my area that just make me sick.  I worked all my life.  When I was really small (under legal working age) I swept at the shop.  I helped Mrs, Pat file things and got her coffee.  Then I worked while in High School and never stopped until forced.  To spite having three.  Count em, THREE major spinal surgeries. Everyone told me over and over, get on disability.  I refused. Get off your lazy butts and go back to work.  Don't make others pay for you to sit on your arse and get fat.  I fully intend to go back to work once I am fixed.  Being here all day stinks.  I have no outside contact with the world.  No watercooler gab or a drink after work with your co-workers.  NOTHING!  I am so thankful Taylor is here.  She keeps me sane (ish).  Stop sucking off the system and people who actually contribute!  It is enough!

Next, we have the people who look at you like you have four heads and tail when you park in a handicap spot in a nice car.  Excuse me?  Handicapped people do not have the right to ride or drive a nice car?  REALLY?  Did you ever think that MAYBE we worked for it and made excellent money BEFORE we got damaged?  Or MAYBE we actually worked and SAVED money?  I don't know call me crazy but I DID!

The rolley car carts at Wal-Mart.  See, I can not walk far.  I need them.  Most of all when I shop once a month (I get a lot, my kids like to eat).  People look at me like I am playing or taking a cart that someone might actually need....GUESS WHAT?  I NEED IT so back the hell off!  I swear next time I get the "eye" I am gonna go off and Heaven help that poor soul.

For now that is all I have encountered as problems with my disability.  Sad really, how people treat each other.  Personally, I could care less but the fight I have is for others.  NO ONE  wants to be disabled or deserves the evil eye (ok some people do but that should have nothing to do with anything related to a disability).  You have no idea how hard their life might actually be.  You have no idea how your actions affect them.  That look you give them may be the last nail in their coffin.  Chill out.  Worry about yourself.  Be kind.  It is not hard to smile or to help or to just not be a whack off.  Remember, the world is ugly. Don't add to it.  Be considerate, compassionate, caring and most of all HUMAN!

Have a wonderful day - end of RANT - thank you!